Friday 8 January 2010


The first..

The first week of 2010 over,
The first time i write..

I've never been one for embracing the saying; out with the old, in with the new. New year is such an insignificant time in my life, one incredible night a few years ago, otherwise just another evening. New year is a time to validate everything which has gone wrong, and hope beyond belief that the new year won't have the same illfiting problems as It's predecessor. This year however i both enjoyed new years eve, and looked forward to what this current year will hold.. Letting go of all the wrong doing's, wrong decisions, unhappiness from the previous twelve months, and focusing on the last two months of 2009. The two months that have gotten me back to who I am, given me focus and excitement for the future, and created the most incredible memories and happiness that I look forward to experiencing not only for this coming year but many more to come.

I find throwing things away difficult, yes getting rid of mindless clutter is both necessary and mind clearing, however when on cleaning rampages when you stumble across some old treasures nothing is more satisfying. This so happened a few months ago I recaptured my love for my gameboy pocket. After finding this little battery operated toy whilst routing through old boxes I remembered how it had occupied my whole being years earlier! Collecting coins, fighting bad, following pikachu's adventures, tetris! So obviously when i stumbled back upon this godly toy I almost passed out in delight. I say almost... because If I had, clearly this would have been a minor sanity issue, however I got the same excitement i once did as a young girl when i loaded up mario for that first game.

Once I'd found this object, I went along finding many others, whilst sorting through my siblings room. I found polly pockets galore, wonderful minuscule fantasy worlds with little folk to embrace them, my gameboy colour; the upgrade to my little pocket friend. So many more.

With these treasured items In my possession I thought about days before every house had a computer, and when the PS1 was an incredibly high tech console. Yes, I may add I still have my PS1, alas it is the second; smaller version; but one of the prettiest little creations I've seen.

Moving on from this clear minute rant; finding these things made me a feel a little more like the old soul, and along with the most recent two months I've found everything I'd been missing. The creativity that was lacking during my degree, however on the surface enough to pass adequately. The relaxed happy nature which has laid dormant for years. Far from being a wallow story this is a mere acknowledgement of the aspects of my life i knew was still there but couldn't find a way to bring back. As this year begins these lackings have made there way back, the creativity at Christmas; perfect timing, and the happiness so little time before an incredible person came into my life. Again, perfect timing!

So starting where I began, the saying that I absolutely detest is the most accurate few words for me this year. I can't wait to embrace what this year brings, beautiful things, beautiful people, the most beautiful memories that'll last years to come. With the most supportive boyfriend and close ones in the world this year will be the start of something..